Episode 60: Jenn Hicks, Nia Instructor, shares her story of healing that was ignited through joyful movement

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We are so excited to welcome Jenn Hicks, a Nia instructor who also runs a private practice in Speech-Language Pathology, specializing in acquired brain injury, to the podcast. Nia is a holistic movement and wellness practice addressing each aspect of one’s life, including body, mind, and soul. Jenn has been teaching Nia through a body/fat positivity and Health At Every Size lens ever since recovering from her eating disorder and exercise addiction. During the interview, Jenn speaks to the importance of changing our perspective from “no pain no gain” to one that aligns with the core principle of Nia: finding joy in movement.

We are so grateful for Jenn’s time and insights, and if you would like to reach out to Jenn and find out more information, please visit www.jennhicks.ca.


Episode 61: Jason Shiers, a certified transformative coach and psychotherapist working with eating disorders and addiction


Episode 59: Kristie Amadio, Certified Eating Disorders Coach and founder of Recovered Living, shares her story of recovery